“It is very difficult to put into words how much acupuncture, oriental medicine and Elyse have changed my life. When I first met Elyse, my husband and I had been struggling with fertility for a couple of years and we were desperate. We were both frustrated with the process and with each other. We both sort of looked at acupuncture and oriental medicine as a last resort. Little did I know that Elyse would introduce me to a whole new way of looking at my health and my life.
Using acupuncture and oriental medicine, Elyse used her amazing ability to meet us both where we were and provided us with honesty and support help us help ourselves. Together with herbs, life style changes and acupuncture I have learned to really love who I am so that I can treat myself with a kindness.
After 3 ½ years, I found myself with a loving relationship with my husband, with a loving relationship with myself and a beautiful little girl. I know this would not have been possible without acupuncture, oriental medicine and the honest support of Elyse. I have since moved away from Elyse due to my husband’s job and have continued use acupuncture and Oriental medicine as a way of life. It has been truly difficult to find an acupuncturist with as much knowledge, compassion, and expertise as Elyse. She is not only a Acupuncturist and Oriental Medicine Practitioner; she lives by example and sheds a brilliant healing light where ever she goes.”
— Leigh
“When I first went to Elyse, she did the most thorough medical history I have ever experienced. She spent two hours with me going over my history in seven year increments. The following is a list of improvements in my health as a result of my working with Elyse: • Heart rate slowed from 90 bpm to 68 bpm or less (SVT no longer a concern as long as I stay off all caffeine) • Lower back, knee, and hip joint pain significantly reduced. Most days I have no pain at all • BP reduced from 150/90 to 130/68 and lower - I am completely off the 3 prescriptions I was taking • Swelling in my ankles gone • No longer in need of over the counter laxatives to avoid bleeding fissure • No longer on a diuretic • I can feel cold now for the first time since I started peri-menopause in the early 90’s. I actually bought sweaters and long sleeve blouses last winter • Sleeping much better and no sleep aids • Dietary changes resulting in weight loss • Food and inhalant allergies gone • Recent blood tests show significant improvement in blood lipid levels as well”
— Paula
“Elyse Beffa is totally amazing on so many levels. Anyone in the Raleigh, NC area seeking healing for pretty much anything should definitely consider her treatment. Connor, my second son, was a late breach and I’d already had a C-section with my first son. I was able to deliver Connor without complications after working with Elyse. I’ve learned so much about taking care of myself, it’s been a huge blessing and I can’t say enough good things about Elyse! She’s so patient and encouraging.”
— Lisa
“I do maintenance for my car, I do maintenance for my house — and I do maintenance for my self through acupuncture and Chinese herbs with Elyse. I have been seeing Elyse for about 8 years (I can’t believe I am so lucky!). Originally I went to see Elyse because I had been suffering from a chronic illness for about 20 years. I was barely able to take care of myself; I had trouble reading, standing, talking, or driving for more than about 30 minutes. Western medicine had nothing to offer me. I had accepted that my situation was not going to improve and I should make the best of what I had.
As soon as I met Elyse I knew that she was different from anyone else I had seen and then I began to see relief for my illness. Rather than simply managing my symptoms, slowly I was able to push my limits to engage more fully in life. As we worked together, Elyse uncovered layers of healing. I am now able to work part-time, to garden, and to enjoy my life beyond my hopes.
Originally I saw Elyse once a week, then every two weeks, and then every three weeks. Now I continue to see Elyse for maintenance about every fourth week, depending on my health. I have learned a lot about how to stay well and I have developed a deep respect for Elyse as a healer, and for acupuncture, Chinese herbs and Chinese medicine’s power to help me.
In the course of daily life there are always ways that I get a little off-kilter. It may be something I eat, exposing myself to something in the environment, getting overheated working in my garden — there’s always something that is otherwise benign (usually) but for me, it makes life more difficult. Maintenance with Elyse is my touchstone, my healing space. I think of my monthly appointment as a treat for myself, a tune-up, a time to get deeply relaxed and in touch with what’s going on in my body and my energy patterns. It’s a time to feel loved and to open to healing. I am so very grateful! ”
— Hanna L
“Elyse changed my life. I struggled with mental health issues for a long time, and tried everything else out there to help, but it wasn’t until I began seeing Elyse that my life really started to shift.
After several acupuncture sessions and the support of herbs, I feel like a new person who is stable and grounded. I am so much happier now, and also much more self-aware. My body and mind feel significantly more at ease...this feels like a permanent foundation of inner health has been built for the rest of my life. I will always be grateful to Elyse for her compassionate care.”
— Hanna G
“Being a hardcore western medicine kind of guy, I instinctively was suspicious of anything that I categorized as ‘woo-woo’ when it came to medicine and my health. Chinese medicine was something that I placed into the ‘woo-woo’ partition along with snake-oil salesmen, card readers, and palmistry. However, my wife began going to Elyse and told me of how much better she felt and how pleased she was that Elyse took a holistic approach to her health issues and medical life history which were both new to her experience. So in my self-induced complacent mental state, I decided to jump into the ‘burning ring of fire’ with my wife to see if there was anything of value for me in Chinese medicine. What did I have to lose?
At my first session I found Elyse engaging, knowledgeable, focused upon me, compassionate and friendly. With subsequent sessions I discovered her competence. She immediately diagnosed and cured problems that I have had all of my life, slowly weaned me from prescription drugs by resolving the problems (that the drugs “treated” by masking their affects), and gave me a new feeling of energy and well-being that I’d never experienced in my 60 odd years of life.
It was simply amazing. I cannot explain it, nor do I fully understand it, but I can attest to the fact that ‘it works’! Now, I anticipate each session with excitement as my wife and I giggle at my past foolishness to try something different. I strongly recommend Elyse. You’ve got to be dead if you do not experience a positive experience from her healing services.”
— Ed
“Elyse is more than a practioner of acupuncture and TCM, she is a true Healer. I have seen numerous acupuncturists, doctors and physical therapists over the past years in search of finding relief from chronic back and neck pain, and had not found relief until I was introduced to Elyse. She is highly knowledgeable in both acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine as well as being both extremely caring and compassionate. In this day and age of “rushed medicine”, Elyse always spends a tremendous amount of time with me. I am forever grateful to her, after all these years of searching for relief, it was Elyse that has helped me. I can not recommend her enough.......please, if you are considering seeing an acupuncturist do not wait to see her..... I wish I had found her years ago as it would have saved me years from suffering chronic pain.”
— Julie
“What a difference Elyse made in my quality of life! From our first consultation, she guided me on an informative learning and healing journey that has brought my health to a “feel good” point that I previously thought impossible after a lifetime of suffering with severe allergies and other medical conditions.
Before meeting Elyse two years ago, I relied solely on a traditional approach to managing constant allergy and sinus problems, crippling migraines, high cholesterol and the related problems associated with these conditions. After one year of acupuncture treatments and personalized behavior modification, I was able to eliminate 100% of my multiple daily allergy and sinus prescription medications, many taken since childhood, and instead treat the occasional seasonal allergy flare with healthy herbal remedies. Migraines and cholesterol control will be lifelong concerns for me, but the frequency and severity of my migraines has decreased significantly, and I manage my cholesterol through lifestyle changes instead of drugs. Two years out from my first acupuncture treatment, prescription medications are all but non-existent in my life.
Through her comprehensive and proactive approach to healing, Elyse encourages her patients to take control of their individual health and wellness. By identifying toxic triggers, exploring and implementing alternative treatment methods and emphasizing directed diet and exercise, Elyse educates and empowers her patients through an increased knowledge and awareness of their own body, and leads them in a positive direction toward attaining and maintaining their highest possible level of good health. Overall, I feel better, am far more in tune with what works for and against my body, and am enjoying the benefits of a happier, healthier lifestyle.”
— Debbie
“I LOVE ELYSE!!! She’s so thorough!!! She makes it so obvious that she truly loves what she does and she has her clients’ best interest…she’s the same every visit! I went to one acupuncturist prior to going to Elyse and the experience was so different, and not in a good way. I didn’t know what a real acupuncture experience was like until I switched to Elyse! Would DEFINITELY recommend!!!”
— Tiffany
“I had always been intrigued by the idea and promises of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, but it wasn’t until about three years ago that I took the plunge and actually found out for myself how effective this style of medicine could truly be. I felt fortunate to have Elyse take me on as a patient. She has a comforting and soothing tableside manner that really helps to ease away any concerns. She asks questions and listens intently to the answers you provide. She is keenly aware of the different messages your body can emit. Then she uses creative analogies to effectively explain why she is taking a particular approach for her treatments. I am fifty years old this year and I can honestly say that I feel considerably younger and more energetic due to the attention and treatments I have received from her capable hands. Thank you, Elyse, for all that you have done.”
— Charles
“I was looking for a healing alternative for my left frozen shoulder after a physical therapist said I wouldn’t get mobility back in my shoulder for 12-18 months. A friend recommended Elyse, for which I am very appreciative. Elyse treated my frozen shoulder with acupuncture, cupping, gua sha (technique of scraping skin with a massage tool to improve circulation) and herbal therapy. Elyse’s weekly treatments resulted in noticeable improvement in mobility within 2 months. By ~7 months, I was able to resume my yoga and Pilates practices, and continue to progress towards regaining full mobility.
While we initially focused on healing my shoulder, Elyse took a holistic approach to my health and also treated my stress-related blockages in energy flow. Not only is Elyse a kind and compassionate person, she is also a competent and intuitive healer; I am grateful that our life paths have crossed.”
— Mary
“Elyse Beffa has been my health practitioner for two years and as a public school employee my treatments have kept my body healthy, balanced and well throughout the years even though I was surrounded by adults and children with colds, flu and other maladie. I sought out acupuncture after western medicine could not resolve some health issues I had.
Acupuncture has been a new form of medicine for me, and I like that each treatment is designed specifically for me as an individual and my symptoms are viewed in relationship to me as a total person. I like that each visit is one-on-one and Elyse spends as much time with me as needed. I have achieved a more balanced and healthy lifestyle.
Elyse has worked in partnership with me to design new ways to health and new possibilities for my journey in life. She has also been helpful in guiding me through some of life’s tough challenges and I value her as an expert in her field as well as a friend. Acupuncture has renewed my sense of harmony and balance in my life both physically and emotionally.”